What I Packed In My Hospital Bag: Second Baby + Free Download

Hospital Bag Checklist: What Iโ€™m packing for labour and delivery, postpartum care items, clothing, snacks, my going home outfit, and babyโ€™s diaper bag! Natural and non-toxic products to help support me through labour and delivery.

I canโ€™t believe Iโ€™m writing my second โ€œWhatโ€™s In My Hospital Bagโ€ Blog post. It seems like just yesterday, I was writing my first Hospital Bag blog post. Iโ€™m now just a week away from my due date, which means the baby can come at any time now… In this blog post, I want to tell you about all the things I brought the first time that I didnโ€™t use and all the things I didnโ€™t pack that I wish I would have packed.

Overnight Hospital Bag 

Iโ€™m using the Paige Carry-All Bag from Happ. I really love the Mary Poppins openings, and it fits a lot! The goal is only to bring items that fit in this bag and pack minimally this time.

The Clothing That I Packed

This time around, I realized that I didn’t need to pack as much clothing. I tried to focus on clothing that was functional for breastfeeding and postpartum care. One thing that I learned this time around is not to pack underwear; you will not wear underwear and will live in disposable underwear for the next week. (Maybe longer)

Make sure you bring slippers with grippers on the bottom that are easy to wash. The last thing you want to do is bring home your slippers from the hospital and walk around your home in them.


Postpartum Care Items

I learned a lot about postpartum care my first time, and this time around, I wanted to make that a priority. I even went a step further and created a postpartum cart. If you’re interested in learning what I put in my postpartum cart for at-home care, make sure to follow me on TikTok and Instagram.

Things I Didn’t Pack This Time

In my first hospital bag, I packed a lot of things that I “thought” I needed but realized that these were things that I could leave at home. I thought I’d share them with you just in case you have them packed, too.

  • Breast pads, I didnโ€™t leak during my first pregnancy; also, your milk usually takes a couple of days to come in, so I was fine to wait until after I was already home.ย 
  • Breast Pump: If I need a pump, the hospital has one that I can borrow.
  • Underwearย 
  • Nipple cream


Iโ€™m not sure if Iโ€™ll regret sharing this, but during my first pregnancy, I didnโ€™t take a shower at the hospital. It wasnโ€™t on my mind; my legs were so weak, and the thought of standing in a shower in the hospital was just not appealing. That said, Iโ€™m still packing my shower essentials and will bring these Skip The Shower wipes if I want to freshen up in bed.

What Make-Up I Packed

Essential Oils

Essential oils have made such a big difference in my life โ€“ from emotional support to immune support, natural home cleaning, and more. Essential oils are so effective and have become a staple in our household to help us maintain our health and truly feel our best.

  • Peppermint Oil
  • Lavender Oil


When I had Sage, she was born in the middle of the night, and everything (I mean everything) was closed! I was starving and literally had nothing. My sweet nurse ended up giving me some of her dinner; I was that hungry! This time around, I’m making it a point to pack snacks that have a little bit of substance. I might even make myself a ham and cheese sandwich to bring with me to the hospital if I have enough time. Below are some items that I’ve already packed and have in my bag ready to go.

Other Things


We packed the camera; this is only essential if you want to document your birth (Which I highly recommend), and of course, we will be documenting the birth. If you do decide to bring your camera, make sure to pack an extra battery. Births can be super long, and the last thing you want to worry about is not having a battery.

Make sure to pack entertainment; we always bring our iPads loaded with movies and shows. This was very handy in the middle of the night when you’re up with baby, breastfeeding, and just waiting around.

What I Packed For Baby

The Levy in the Ash Blue by Happ is the perfect everyday bag regardless of the gender of the baby. Weโ€™ve been using Happ for years, and I love how lightweight and stylish the bags are. I love how this bag opens up, and you can easily see everything and donโ€™t have to dig too much to find items.


I tried to pack the bare essentials. The hospital has things, and honestly, I’m hoping we’re not there for too long.

Looking for more pregnancy content?

How To Prepare For A New Baby

How To Prepare for a Natural Unmedicated Birth


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  1. Thanks so much for this! It’s great to have a Canadian content creator provide the list as many of the videos are US based. Very different than Canadian hospitals. Love your videos and appreciate all the helpful information.

  2. Taking a shower in the hospital NEVER crossed my mind. I think back and I had the baby on me the entire time. I don’t even think my room had a shower? I barely remember. The postpartum haze is real. I can’t wait to experience pregnancy again if I am lucky enough! Congrats you look soooo beautiful! Very excited for you and your family.