Not so “Green” Green Smoothie

Hey HealthNuts! I wanted to share with you all, one of my favourite green smoothie recipes that will help detox your body and give you a boost of energy first thing in the morning. I love this recipe because it doesn’t taste or look like there is leafy greens added into it at all. It’s actually very refreshing and tastes delicious!

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What You’ll Need

-A big handful of fresh baby spinach (you can use frozen spinach if you like)

-1 cup of frozen wild blueberries-ย Antioxidants help you glow :*)

-1 peeled and chopped frozen banana- Good source of Potassium.

– 1-2 scoops of vanilla flavoured Isolate Protein Powder (you can use your favourite brand)

-1-2 cups of cold filtered water- Keeps you hydrated!

-1 tbsp of ground flax seed- Yay for Omega 3’s!

– Aย Blender- Mixes it all up:)


1. Gather allย ingredientsย and add them all into your blender including the water and BLEND:)

It’s super easy to make and it will help you to get all your servings ofย vegetablesย while filling you up without any processed Carbs.

Let me know if you try this recipe out and what your thoughts are:) And feel free to post some of your favourite smoothie recipes, I’d love to try them out!

Your HealthNut <3

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  1. Can you give servings for each recipe you post? Also, do you have an email contact? Or do you post a weekly workout log? Thanks ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Hey Rach! Thanks for checking out my blog:) was there a specific recipe you were needed a servings size for? As for workout log that’s a great idea, although I’m not currently doing it I might do it in the future. Since I’m travelling my workouts are quite random but I’m currently doing kick boxing which I love! You can contact me @ [email protected] for any further questions! Xo