The constant battle against limiting the amount of chemicals you use on you skin can be a hard one to fight. EOS has made it one step easier with their all natural and organic line of lip balms, shaving creams and lotions. Whether your looking for a fun newΒ cosmeticΒ or areΒ sensitiveΒ to manyΒ preservativesΒ in skin care this is a great buy! They are a couple more bucks than your average lipΒ smackersΒ but they are quite large and will last a long time.Β ConvertingΒ to using natural productsΒ as opposed to a lot of the products outΒ there can be a difficult one but its best toΒ slowlyΒ easeΒ yourself into it one product at a time.
Not only do these unique egg looking balms smell great but. they also contain manyΒ ingredientsΒ to help soothe and heal your lips. Just some of their listedΒ ingredientsΒ are Β beeswax, coconut oil,Β SheaΒ butter, and jojoba oil.
They do not contain any of those harsh unatural perservatives and chemicals such as:
Try one out for yourself, you’ll be an EOS fan before you know it<3
~Health Nut~
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[…] out another blogpost I did on one of my favourite natural brands: EOS (Evolution Of […]