3 Healthy Detox Juice Recipes

It’s officially 2016 and what better way to start off the year after the not so healthy holidays than with hydrating, vibrant detox juices that are full of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. I’ve partnered with the beautiful and talented healthy food blogger; Davida from The Healthy Maven, to bring you some healthy hydrating drinks to kick off the New Year. I’m sharing my top 3 detox juice recipes; Herbal Greens, Berry Beet and Morning Glow juice, and Davida is sharing her homemade almond milk recipe in 3 different flavours! It’s so important to stay hydrated as it flushes away toxins, keeps your skin glowing and stops you from over snacking since most of the time you’re actually just thirsty, not hungry.

 I’ve recently introduced juicing back into my life after being re-inspired by a couple of resources, one of them being this documentary I watched a while back: “Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead” which follows one man’s battle with health issues and how he improves his lifestyle and health with detoxing and juicing.  And the other day I discovered there was a sequel on Netflix, so I watched them both and I would highly recommend them as they provide some great insights into the benefits of juicing and detoxes.

3 healthy detox juice recipes for clear skin, digestion and energy!

I feel like juicing often gets over looked because it can be costly, time consuming and not always the tastiest. There are many different kinds of juicers on the market and to be honest, most of them do the trick. If you’re serious about juicing you can definitely invest in a high end one like the Omega one but I’ve been using this Jack Lalanne one that was a hand me down from my mother-in-law and it works just fine. If you don’t have one or don’t want to buy a juicer then you can also make juice at home by blending everything together in a high speed blender and then straining it through a nut milk bag or cheese cloth.

3 healthy detox juice recipes for clear skin, digestion and energy!

To me, eating healthy is a choice that should be made because of the benefits it provides, and not just because you are being forced to do so. When people ask me why I eat healthy or how I stick to a workout routine I often respond with “because it makes me feel my best.” When I eat well and move my body daily it keeps my skin clearer, digestion balanced and allows me to most importantly, deal with stress and feel grounded. I have a hyperactive personality and working out allows me to burn off excess energy that generally builds up and makes me stressed. Everyone has their reasons for detoxing or just following a healthy lifestyle in general and so you just need to figure out what your reason is and what health goals you’re looking to achieve.

Detoxing doesn’t have to mean just ridding toxins from your body. It can also mean getting rid of negativity in your life, whether from people around you or old beliefs from your past, it’s really anything that no longer provides a benefit to your health or your lifestyle.

3 healthy detox juice recipes for clear skin, digestion and energy!

Let’s all use January as a fresh start to think positive thoughts, sweat out toxins and feed your insides with nourishing foods and raw juices.

I would love to hear what some of your New Year’s resolutions are for this year in the comments below!

Here are some of mine:

  • Learn a new skill- Practice my Portuguese skills to improve my fluency
  • Do something that challenges me every month (ex: snowboarding)
  • Spend more time outdoors in nature (ex: hiking, snow shoeing)
  • Get organized!
  • Sit quietly and meditate every day, even if it’s only for 5 minutes.

These are just some of my goals for this year, though it’s important to adapt your goals through the year based on your lifestyle, and motivations, since we’re in an ever changing environment and we should take advantage of that.

3 healthy detox juice recipes for clear skin, digestion and energy!

I hope you enjoy all 3 of these refreshing and delicious detox juice recipes and give them a try with your friends and family. Leave a comment below telling me which juice combo was your favourite.

And don’t forget to check out Davida’s video and blogpost to find out how she makes her homemade almond milk-3 ways by clicking HERE!

How To Make Homemade Almond Milk - 3 Ways! - The Healthy Maven


Herbal Green Detox Juice

Prep Time: 20 minutes


  • 1 cucumber  peeled if not organic
  • 2 green apples
  • 4 stalks of celery
  • ½ bunch of spinach roughly 2 cups
  • ¼ bunch of cilantro
  • ¼ bunch of basil
  • 1 inch ginger
  • 1 lemon


  • Wash, peel (if needed) and cut ingredients into small enough pieces to fit your juicer.
  • Juice everything and serve right away.


Notes: Best to consume within 1-2 hours of juicing, otherwise, store in an airtight glass container in the fridge for up to 3 days.

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Morning Glow Detox Juice


  • 4 golden beets
  • 4 large carrots
  • 2 large oranges
  • 1 inch of ginger
  • 1 inch of turmeric you can use 1 tsp of turmeric powder if you can’t find the raw root version
  • 1 lemon


  • Wash, peel (if needed) and cut ingredients into small enough pieces to fit your juicer.
  • Juice everything and serve right away.


Notes: Best to consume within 1-2 hours of juicing, otherwise, store in an airtight glass container in the fridge for up to 3 days.

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Berry Beet Detox Juice


  • 2 red beets
  • 6 leaves of purple kale
  • ½ purple cabbage
  • 1 lime
  • 1 cup fresh mixed berries if using frozen thaw first


  • Wash, peel (if needed) and cut ingredients (except berries) into small enough pieces to fit your juicer.
  • Next, add your juice and mixed berries into a blender and blend together for 30 secs until smooth.
  • Optional: You can strain the juice to remove the seeds from the berries or drink as is with the extra fibre and serve right away!


Notes: Best to consume within 1-2 hours of juicing, otherwise, store in an airtight glass container in the fridge for up to 3 days.

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  1. Juice fasting usually contains the juices of fruits or vegetables in their fresh form. These juices are loaded with cleansing and healing properties that can cleanse the system gently and very safely without any side effects. Juice fasting also has healing capabilities and is good for our liver as well.

    • Yes, you could definitely make these with a centrifugal juicer! I just didn’t actually have a juicer when I shared these recipes, so I made them with my blender, and wanted to share for other people as well who also may not have a juicer!

  2. What a wonderful resource about juicing. I started a turmeric and purple cabbage juice to balance my hormones because of my terrible acne. I hope it clears it for good.

  3. Hi! Great juice recipes. I think you left out the “beets” within the recipe for the Berry Beet Detox Juice

  4. This detox juices are definitely the best way to start 2016. Here’s to healthier New Year!
    Btw, I’d also appreciate if you have some recipes of infused water here.

    • Happy New Year to you too! I will probably do a video like that closer to the summer. Right now all I can think of is hot soups with this weather lol

  5. I cannot get over how beautiful the beet juice is! I’m not a fan of juice cleanses, but juices are a delicious way to get in nutrients and vitamins in one serving!

    • Aw thank you! Juices are so full of colour, I just love making them.. although I hate the clean up haha

  6. Just discovered your blog and YouTube Chanel from Davida’s blog — yay! So excited to start following you too! Thanks for the juicing recipes, I’m mostly a smoothie girl but that Berry Beet Juice sounds like a must try! Lots of goals/resolutions in 2016 as I’ve recently started my own blog too — love your video skills lady! Look forward to watching you grow in 2016! xo-Lindsey

    • So happy you stopped by! You’re in luck cause I just finished filming a video this weekend featuring 3 yummy smoothie recipes. The video wont be going up till later this month but I think you’ll enjoy it 🙂